I Heart Blog Awards

The Versatile Blogger Award was presented to me by my blogging buddy BB.

I can’t thank her enough for the support and praise she gives my blog. I really appreciate the love!


The Sunshine Award, was presented to me by Holly from Destino.

I am so very happy to receive this award and I enjoy reading her blog. Thanks again Holly!


Here are the rules to this award:

1) Use the logo above in the post.
2) Link to whoever nominated you.
3) Write ten pieces of information about yourself.
4) Nominate ten fellow bloggers “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogsphere.”
5) Leave a comment on the nominees’ blogs to tell them of the award.

10 Random Things About Me:

1. I love love love food! I’m a foodie and can watch food tv shows, read food magazines, and look up recipes all day every day.

2. I love nail polish and paint my nails at least once a week.

3. I’m a dog lover.

4. I have a major sweet tooth, but absolutely hate cake frosting.

5. I hate the winter time. Never have and never will.

6. Christmas is my favorite holiday.

7. My birthday is in less than one month! (January 15th)

8. I’m a tv and movie buff and can quote just about every movie I’ve ever seen.

9. I’m 5 years older than my hubbie 🙂

10. I love ballet and classical music. I was a ballerina in my past life 🙂 (At least that’s what I’d like to believe lol)

Shout out to the lovely Misty Copeland

Rolling Out

Rolling Out-Misty Copeland

Ten Nominees:

  1. Baby Teems
  2. Afrophire
  3. Fashion Du Jour Daily
  4. Cindy Knoke
  5. A Traveller’s Tale
  6. Freshwallstreet
  7. What Is It?!
  8. Leanne Cole Photography
  9. Lady Romp
  10. Prada for Breakfast

10 versatile and inspiring bloggers for you guys to view and enjoy! Hopefully there is someone that you are drawn to and I hope you are inspired daily by them.

Drop by and tell them hello and that you were sent over from The Lovely Photog Blog

19 thoughts on “I Heart Blog Awards

  1. Afrophire says:

    Congratulations on your blog awards! You truly deserve them. Thank you so much for nominating me for my very FIRST blog award EVER lol. I can’t tell you how honored and excited I am sis. Blessings of my love to you and your beautiful family & have a Merry Christmas! 🙂

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